Let me tell you some FUN FACTS about DANCERS from my "Pointe" of view ! ;) 1) We Dancers are very Modest. I can say you how. When other people are talking about reaching the Skies, we Dancers will be talking about reaching the Floor. 2) We Dancers usually give our seats to others in public transports - no not kindness always, we just can't seat for long in one place. 3) We Dancers can change our Dress & Shoes in 15 secs, i mean even the Girls .....even the girls ? Yes i know, it's against the nature - so even more Respect to Dance ! 4) We Dancers are so comfortable with our Body that sometimes the person beside us says " There is no problem in scratching, but can you please scratch your own leg, that's mine you are scratching now." 5) If you Kidnap a Dancer, don't tape his face. Just tie his hands and legs, if he can't move, most probably he can't speak .. without moving ! ;P 6) and you know what, We Dancers knows that what was there before Big Bang ! It was 5, 6, 7 & 8. ;D))) Thanks a lot everyone for Sharing so much of Love, Passion and Positivity. Keep Growing, Keep Flowing :)**

Теги других блогов: fun facts dancers dance culture